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Classroom Activities At Szetela

Szetela Early Childhood School is an integrated preschool program that services young children with and without special needs.  All classrooms are language rich environments in which highly qualified and knowledgeable teachers facilitate learning, communication, and socialization.  We use a multi sensory instruction to encourage our students to experiment and explore, make connections between new information and information they already know, and problem solve to make their own discoveries.  

Our program meets all the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Preschool.  The curriculum used fosters cognitive, language, fine motor, gross motor, and social/emotional development.

Our students are extremely busy during a school day.  Each classroom's schedules are arranged differently, but they all participate in the same activities.

Literacy Activities

Students participate in listening to stories read aloud, large and small group language based activities, and organized center based activities meeting the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

Mathematics Activities

Students participate in large and small group activities and organized center based activities meeting the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

Learning Center Activities

The students have opportunities to engage in a variety of activities within the classroom, some of which are  structured and others are free play.  This allows our students to make decisions for themselves, expand on their learning while exploring their own interests, expand on their social skills, and develop problem solving skills.  

Gross Motor Activities

The students have opportunities to enjoy a variety of movement options.  The students  interact with each other in our inside or outside gym areas, where the students have opportunities to climb, run, ride tricycles, and engage in  different movement games.  The students also have opportunities to participate in music and movement activities within the classroom.  

Fine Motor Activities

The students have opportunities to enjoy different fine motor activities throughout the school day.  Tasks are presented through teacher led instruction or by child led exploring with a variety of tools to strengthen these skills.

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